Retrieved from on September 27, 2010.
Un ejemplo de dos platos principales en español e inglés
PREPARACIÓN: 25 minutos
COCCIÓN: 35 minutos
INGREDIENTES: 4 personas
8 filetes de pechuga
150 grs. de cebolla troceada
1 vasito de vino blanco
200 ml de yogur natural
30 grs. de mantequilla
3 cucharadas de mostaza a la pimienta verde
3 yemas de huevo
Aceite de oliva, sal y pimienta
1. Colocar las pechugas congeladas dentro de una bandeja honda cubiertas de leche dentro del frigorífico para que se descongelen lentamente, y la cebolla dentro de una escurridora para que al descongelarse elimine toda el agua.
2. AI día siguiente, poner una cazuela al fuego con la mantequilla y un poco de aceite. Sofreir las pechugas previamente escurridas y salpimentadas. En cuanto cambien de color, se añade la cebolla descongelada y escurrida y se deja a fuego lento removiendo de vez en cuando.
3. A media cocción, agregar el vino, y mientras cuece el pollo, preparar la salsa colocando el yogur y las yemas dentro de un cazo al baño maría sin dejar que hierva. Batir la mezcla hasta que empiece a espesar o se forme en la superficie un poco de espuma.
4. Añadir la mostaza y seguir batiendo hasta que la salsa espese, añadiendo por último la salsa de la cocción previamente pasada por el colador chino. Seguir removiendo fuera del fuego para formar una salsa ligada. Servir las pechugas cubiertas con la salsa acompañadas de unos bocaditos de patata o un flan de arroz.
PREPARACIÓN: 10 minutos
COCCIÓN: 20 minutos
INGREDIENTES: 4 personas
4 centros de salmon noruego
500 grs. de champiñones
100 ml de crema de leche
1 cucharadita de harina
Aceite de oliva, sal y pimienta
1. Colocar el salmón salpimentado y previamente descongelado dentro de una bandeja engrasada. Cubrir la bandeja con papel de aluminio cerrándolo herméticamente e introducir en el horno precalentado a 180º durante 5 minutos.
2. Poner los champiñones con un poco de aceite dentro de una sartén al fuego y cuando empiecen a absorber el agua que desprendan, agregar el cava dejando que reduzca a la mitad.
3. Añadir la crema de leche mezclada con la harina, salpimentar y sin parar de remover. Dejar hervir lentamente 5 minutos a fuego lento para que espese y se cueza la harina.
4. Cubrir los centros de salmón con la salsa de los champiñones, introduciendo la bandeja de nuevo en el horno precalentado 5 minutos más como máximo. Se debe tener en cuenta que el pescado debe cocer poco.
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I love to cook, so I chose two publications of recipes in Spanish. After attempting to read the instructions, I can honestly say I would not invite anyone over to dinner to eat my creations!
Since the publication provides an English version, I quickly printed the recipe and had a friend cut out the English text. I then began to attempt to make sense out of the recipe. I was immediately frustrated. I relied heavily on some known strategies. For instance, I constantly went back to the picture to see if words match the picture. I saw the word CREMA. I assumed it was milk or cream since the pasta looks like a white sauce in the picture. I also easily saw the word SALMON, since it is in the picture and because it is the same in English.
While recognizing out words that I may know was useful, it also became very confusing. According to my interpretation, the ingredients would include 4 “persons” or people. That seems highly unlikely! In addition, while the numbers were helpful, I did not understand the measurements or precisely what they were asking for in the list of ingredients I also was very lost when it came to “how” to cook the ingredients. To process my prior knowledge, I wrote out the recipe and replaced the English words with Spanish words.
Then, to scale back the text and provide some type of guidance, I had my friend give me words that I thought would be helpful to figure out the text. In a way, I approached it like a puzzle. I knew if I asked for clarification on a word that was constantly repeated throughout the text, it would help me make meaning out of the words surrounding that word. Also, it seemed I really needed assistance with verbs. I would make a guess to demonstrate my thinking, and then my friend would give me the word. I used my prior knowledge of cooking to guess some of the cooking verbs, but I was hardly accurate.
When it was all said and done, I needed a great deal of scaffolding. This was partially due to the fact that I would have to make this dish and I knew I needed accurate information to cook it successfully. I feel, if it was not for the sake of the finished product, I would have been satisfied at partially understanding the text.
As a teacher, this experience was significant to understanding my English Language Learners. I realize that they are often “in over their heads” when approaching English text. It also implies the importance of scaffolding. What really caught my interest was the way I was feeling throughout the process. I would constantly want to peek or be told the next word. I was not thrilled about struggling through the reading simply relying on my known strategies (which were limited). I also truly recognize the importance of making the reading meaningful. I was inspired to keep working at the text, because I knew I would have to make the dish. Of course, I did not really make the dish, but I would use this type of activity to motivate the students to want to learn the words on the page. I thought it was very powerful, opposed to simply reading an article to discuss. I think that cooking or doing science projects would be a very rewarding reading experience for all learners.
Here is the translated version for your information…
PREPARACIÓN: 25 minutos
PREPARATION: 25 minutes
COCCIÓN: 35 minutos
COOKING: 35 minutes
INGREDIENTES: 4 personas
8 filetes de pechuga
8 chicken breasts
150 grs. de cebolla troceada
150 grms of chopped onions
1 vasito de vino blanco
1 small glass of white wine
200 ml de yogur natural
200 ml of natural yogurt
30 grs. de mantequilla
30 grms of butter
3 cucharadas de mostaza a la pimienta verde
3 tablespoons of green pepper mustard
3 yemas de huevo
3 egg yolks
Aceite de oliva, sal y pimienta
Olive oil, salt and pepper
1. Colocar las pechugas congeladas dentro de una bandeja honda cubiertas de leche dentro del frigorífico para que se descongelen lentamente, y la cebolla dentro de una escurridora para que al descongelarse elimine toda el agua.
1. Place the frozen chicken breasts in a deep dish covered with milk. Then put the dish in the fridge so that the chicken defrost slowly. Put the onion in a strainer so that as it defrost, all the water drips away.
2. AI día siguiente, poner una cazuela al fuego con la mantequilla y un poco de aceite. Sofreir las pechugas previamente escurridas y salpimentadas. En cuanto cambien de color, se añade la cebolla descongelada y escurrida y se deja a fuego lento removiendo de vez en cuando.
2. The next day, put a saucepan on the heat with the butter and a little oil. Strain, add salt and pepper to the chicken breasts and then lightly fry. As soon as they change colour, add the defrosted and strained onion and leave over a low heat stirring from time to time.
3. A media cocción, agregar el vino, y mientras cuece el pollo, preparar la salsa colocando el yogur y las yemas dentro de un cazo al baño maría sin dejar que hierva. Batir la mezcla hasta que empiece a espesar o se forme en la superficie un poco de espuma.
3. When half-cooked, add the wine and while the chicken is cooking, prepare the sauce by putting the yogurt and the egg yolks in a saucepan bain-marie without letting it boil. Beat the mixture until it begins to thicken or a little froth forms on the surface.
4. Añadir la mostaza y seguir batiendo hasta que la salsa espese, añadiendo por último la salsa de la cocción previamente pasada por el colador chino. Seguir removiendo fuera del fuego para formar una salsa ligada. Servir las pechugas cubiertas con la salsa acompañadas de unos bocaditos de patata o un flan de arroz.
4. Add the mustard and continue beating the mixture until the sauce thickens, adding at the end, the previously cooked and sieved sauce. Continue to stir off the heat to make a light sauce. Serve the chicken breasts covered with the sauce and accompanied by some potato morsels or a rice cake.
PREPARACIÓN: 10 minutos
PREPARATION: 10 minutes
COCCIÓN: 20 minutos
COOKING: 35 minutes
INGREDIENTES: 4 personas
4 centros de salmon noruego
4 fillets of Norwegian salmon
500 grs. de champiñones
500 grms of mushrooms
100 ml de crema de leche
100 ml of cream of milk
1 cucharadita de harina
1 teaspoon of flour
Aceite de oliva, sal y pimienta
Olive oil, salt and pepper
1. Colocar el salmón salpimentado y previamente descongelado dentro de una bandeja engrasada. Cubrir la bandeja con papel de aluminio cerrándolo herméticamente e introducir en el horno precalentado a 180º durante 5 minutos.
1. Place the defrosted and seasoned salmon in a greased tray. Cover the tray with aluminium (US aluminum) paper, closing it hermetically and put into a pre-heated oven at 180º for 5 minutes.
2. Poner los champiñones con un poco de aceite dentro de una sartén al fuego y cuando empiecen a absorber el agua que desprendan, agregar el cava dejando que reduzca a la mitad.
2. Put the mushrooms with a little oil in a frying pan onto the heat. When they begin to absorb the water they give out, add the cava allowing it to reduce by half.
3. Añadir la crema de leche mezclada con la harina, salpimentar y sin parar de remover. Dejar hervir lentamente 5 minutos a fuego lento para que espese y se cueza la harina.
3. Add cream of milk mixed with the flour, sprinkled in without pausing in the stirring. Leave to boil for 5 minutes on a low heat so that it thickens and the flour cooks.
4. Cubrir los centros de salmón con la salsa de los champiñones, introduciendo la bandeja de nuevo en el horno precalentado 5 minutos más como máximo. Se debe tener en cuenta que el pescado debe cocer poco.
4. Cover the salmon fillets with the mushroom sauce, and then put the tray back in the pre-heated oven for a maximum of 5 minutes. Be careful to cook the fish for a very short time.
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